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A page for stuff about me and what I'm doing.

Hello! My name is Kebo. I have a different name out in the real world, but online I usually go by Kebo or my username kebokyo.

I am currently an undergraduate student studying computer science, supplementing my education by building and maintaining a silly blog and the VPS that it runs on.

This /me page is slightly different than the typical "about me" page as it's basically multiple pages in one. The page was inspired by the website, which details many single-purpose pages others can use to learn more about you. I decided instead of a traditional /about page (which still works here, btw — feel free to try it!), I could combine the typical "about me" page with a whole bunch of sections dedicated to ideas and concepts found on That way, you can learn a lot more about me... right here on one page!


The best way to cold-contact me is through my email, kebokyo (at) eleboog (dot) com. There is also a widget for it in the footer.

The other places you can contact me linked in the footer are:

I don't use social media too often, though, so I recommend trying my email first.

Finally, I do have accounts on both Discord and Telegram. My Discord username is pretty obvious (@kebokyo), however my Telegram is intentionally not. My Telegram is for more personal contact, so it's on a "ask if you already know me" basis. For cold contacts, I still recommend reaching out via email first as I will likely not accept your friend request on Discord unless I already know you from somewhere.

There used to be a link to my Cohost (@kebokyo), but Cohost is unfortunately shutting down and I didn't use it too much anyway.


If you like what I do and want to help me make more of it, currently the only way I have for you to give me money is through Ko-fi. I am a very very broke college student and any little bit of help means a lot to me!


Why do I even have this website? Well, it's for mulitple reasons:

Hopefully, this website can grow one day into a safe space for people of all different walks of life... but that goal probably won't be reached any time soon. Right now, I just hope that this site can inspire people to do their own thing like this.


This section is a smashup of /carry and /uses. Basically, this section is for the things I use every day.

My backpack for school is a Fjällräven Kånken Laptop 13" that I got off Depop one day for $30. Considering a new one is $115... I think that's a pretty good steal. It has been my main go-bag for going literally anywhere for two to three years at this point, and while it's needing some repairs, it has served me faithfully since the very first day I got it.

The laptop that usually resides inside of this backpack is the base model M1 MacBook Air. I got this off of eBay for around $750, but for the price I got a skin, laptop sleeve, and charger case (which I've since lost ;w;) included. Not bad! While I definitely need to upgrade to a more powerful machine at some point (likely a ThinkPad or a MacBook Pro 14"), this thing has been my main college laptop since February 2023 and hasn't really slowed down since.

My current tech pouch for storing chargers and cables is the Chrome Industries Tech Accessory Pouch, but it's a bit too small for my liking. I might use it for something else one day, but I don't have the money to get anything else to replace it right now... so it's still going as my tech pouch for now.

The other devices I usually charge with those cables include my phone, the iPhone 12 mini. It's getting a bit long in the tooth now (it's starting to get stability issues that my last phone had from day one lmao), but I can't afford to upgrade right now. If I were to upgrade, the two options I'm looking at are the base model iPhone 16 and the Nothing Phone (2a).

I also carry my Nintendo 3DS almost everywhere I go, even though I don't use it much. It's handy for when I need a quick game break, or if I need to pace myself with Pomodoro (I literally used a timer app & Ridge Racer 3D to get through midnight assignments before lmao).


This website runs on a Hetzner VPS, Nginx web server, and Next.js metaframework. I may switch to Astro one day, but for now, Next.js is working just fine.

The reason this site looks so fancy in both light & dark mode is because of Tailwind CSS and its built-in light & dark mode features. I may build a special toggle so you can choose which version of the site you like more one day, but for now, it's just based on whether your browser / OS is in light or dark mode.

My blog posts and most of my longer pages (including this one!) are written using MDX. That way, I can just plop JSX components into my Markdown documents, like this:


ooooooooooo fancy

I render out the MDX files using Contentlayer, which is the best thing since sliced bread.

When I insert code into my blog, I use React Code Block as a quick template to set things up. I will probably just move to using Prism React Renderer directly in the near future, though.

I use the feed library to generate my Atom & JSON feeds for everything except narrated articles. For that, I use podcast-rss since it has more features specifically to comply with platforms' weird-ass rules regarding podcast feeds.

Finally, for the software I use to actually write the code... I used to use Visual Studio Code, but since it's an Electron app (basically Google Chrome in a fancy native-app-shaped box), its performance and resource use is very high. Thus, I switched back to Sublime Text. If anyone has a FOSS alternative to Sublime that works just as well, let me know cause that would be awesome.


For this particular website, the main thing I want to add in the future is a comments system powered by my own account system. That way, I'm not reliant on a third-party comment system like Disqus.

I also have multiple ideas for open-source iOS and macOS apps, including a Pomodoro timer, a KeePass client, and a read later app specifically designed for iCloud sync.

It's hard for me to put all of my ideas into one place at the moment, so expect this section to be updated often.


Qdoba is better. Fight me.

(plus I'm poor so I don't get either of them very often lmao)


I do not use generative AI on this website. Period.

One day, I need to add a robots.txt and other such protections to prevent this website from being scraped... but no-one is going to listen to me anyway because my rights don't matter to them in that regard.

contact — fediverseblueskyemail

© 2023-2024 Kebo Kitanari — All Rights Reserved