Sometimes, I come across other people's blog posts, articles, or other resources that I find interesting. This is my space to share those resources with you.
Every link includes a brief note or summary that I wrote up describing that specific entry and why I find it interesting or noteworthy.
"interesting" does not necessarily mean "good", "factual", or even "ethical". Sometimes, I may link something here because I don't like it and want to debunk it later. In these cases, I will make sure to specify that fact. Be sure to keep an eye on my journal or blog when I post one of those.
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- Alex Danco: Have you ever seen a goth downtown? - Creativity after AI
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originally published on August 14, 2025 - retrieved February 18, 2025Even though there's some AI glazing in this article, and the goth analogy is a little back-asswards, I think the main point of this is important: In the persuit of reducing hallucinations, generative AI has become more and more sanatized, corporate, and "safe". As we transition into a post-GPT society, creative work will inneviatably become more and more cookie-cutter as AI is incorporated more and more into workflows, either by choice or by corporate demand. In my opinion, the best thing to do in response is to be unabashedly freaky with it in spite of this.
- Jamie Brandon: Small Tech
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originally published on September 7, 2020 - retrieved February 18, 2025An honor roll of smaller tech companies and/or projects that maintain their quality and authenticity in a world full of venture capital and startup sellouts. I wanna highlight the Sublime shoutout: I love Sublime, all my homies love Sublime, and if you don't you aren't a real one /j
- Tadzio Dlugoleki: find your 2%ers - then do life with them.
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originally published on December 12, 2023 - retrieved February 18, 2025A (slightly millennially pretentious) thinkpiece about the importance of finding people you vibe with well and keeping those relationships healthy.
- Dietmar Planitzer: Serena - An experimental operating system for 32bit Amiga computers.
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retrieved August 14, 2024If I had an Amiga, I would be geeking out so much about this. You would not see me for days.
- Chuck Carrol: The News is Information Junk Food
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originally published on September 16, 2022 - retrieved August 9, 2024A discussion about the negative affects the 24 hour news cycle has on us. I want to dissect this further cause I have a feeling there's some nuggets of bad takes in here, but the overall takeway I agree with. If I had a nickel for every time my social media feed ended up getting overrun by political nonsense, I would have... uh... five nickels? What can you buy for a quarter nowadays? ...hmm
- VPAND Team: icpp - Running C++ in anywhere like a script.
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retrieved August 9, 2024I just think it's funny okay
- Jonathan Borichevskiy: Digital Tools I Wish Existed
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originally published on November 28, 2019 - retrieved August 9, 2024Interesting exploration of digital information gathering, consumption, and archive tools that the author wish existed. I want to make a response to this one day with my own ideas and critiques of the particular features he wants (whether they make sense to me or not and if not what alternatives I think would be good instead).
- Stackframe Inc.: Stack Auth - Open-source Clerk/Auth0 alternative
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retrieved August 9, 2024A really promising open source alternative to WYSIWIG auth solutions like Clerk and Auth0. I would need to confirm its security and its flexibility, but the fact that they specifically say "hey, you can totally just use your own frontend and use our SDK in the background" makes me very excited. All of the user-facing elements can be styled my own way, while the internal admin elements can just be the defaults so I don't have to code it all. I might end up using this instead of Auth.js for phase 2 of my site if this lives up to my expectations.
- Niki Tonsky: Where Should Visual Programming Go?
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originally published on July 18, 2024 - retrieved July 27, 2024A discussion about what incorporating diagrams and other visualizations into your codebase could and should look like. I think the idea of embedding diagrams into your comments is a very good idea (in fact, we should be using markdown in our docs already), but I'm not sure how useful creating parsable visual state machines and etc. would be. Fun fact: there seems to be a pseudo-collab-tool built into the site where you can see where other readers' cursors are. I kept trying to hold digital hands with the other cursor but it kept running away from me. Why are you so mean ;w;
- David Singleton: TOTP tokens on my wrist with the smartest dumb watch.
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originally published on October 17, 2022 - retrieved July 27, 2024A demonstration of the Sensor Watch, a replacement motherboard for the famous Casio F-91W digital watch that turns it into a programmable ARM Cortex M0+ powered smartwatch. It is absolutely wild, and I want one now even though the motherboard costs more than the watch itself. The idea of a wearable version of those Square Enix TOTP devices is so fascinating to me.
- Michael Müller: How far should a programming language aware diff go?
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originally published on July 17, 2024 - retrieved July 25, 2024A fun look on what differences in code could be considered "irrelevant changes" and the consequences of ignoring such changes. Note: This is a corporate blog post made for a VSCode and GitHub extension for "language aware diff" that includes premium software support.
- Max Bernstein: scrapscript - A functional, content-addressable programming language
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retrieved July 24, 2024An interesting new scripting language that's basically Haskell but if it was even weirder. I want to make a blog post about this one day discussing how it compares to other programming languages and how it could be used.
- tinypod - an iPod-style case for the Apple Watch
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retrieved July 20, 2024A really cute concept for taking a computer on your wrist and adapting it into a digital detox device. The regular model is a little too expensive for my liking, but the "lite" model is cheap enough that I could justify trying it out with my own Apple Watch (once I find it again lol).
- Simon Willson: Give people something to link to so they can talk about your features and ideas
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originally published on July 13, 2024 - retrieved July 14, 2024If you want people to be able to talk about an idea, concept, or feature that you develop, you should have a resource about it for people to easily reference. ChatGPT being used as an example is slightly cringe, but it works to show what not to do.
- Kyle Corbitt: Is AI the Next Crypto? Insights from 2M HN comments
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originally published on November 8, 2023 - retrieved November 8, 2023An analysis of Hacker News' sentiment towards AI compared to NFT's... using AI. Big note: this is a very cleverly disguised ad for OpenPipe, the service which is hosting this article, but I actually appreciated how it broke down the details of how the author computed his data. I wish there was a bit more analysis of the results, though.
- Marius Brancila: Formatting Text in C++: The Old and The New Ways
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originally published on September 12, 2023 - retrieved November 7, 2023C++20 introduced some new std functions to format strings: std::format and std::format_to. In practice, they work much like a streamlined version of C's printf. However, their implementation (based on the library {fmt}) results in much higher efficiency! Apparently the guys at C++ really like it because the new std::print function in C++23 has the functionality of std::format built in. I'm curious to see how this will change C++ devs' workflows, including newbies coming to C++ from other languages like Java or Python.
- Jesse Duffield: horcrux - Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode
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retrieved November 7, 2023A simple terminal program that allows you to split files into encrypted chunks that can later be re-combined into the original file. Think of it like a RAID setup but for individual files or archives, inspired by an everything-phobic fantasy media franchise. I actually find the concept really facinating: it could be a good way to split up large media files and share them over the internet. Even if one horcrux gets corrupted, the others can still make up the original file, and since it is encrypted, it's tougher to discern what the original file is without enough pieces to put it together.
- Logan Gore: Open-sourcing SQX, a way to build flexible database models in Go
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originally published on August 31, 2023 - retrieved September 9, 2023A really cool SQL interface for Go that both simplifies a lot of the boilerplate and allows for quickly building complex models through OOP. I don't have any experience in Go, but I'm honestly tempted to start learning Go just to try this library out and see if a port of it to other languages like C++ or Rust is possible.
- Mickey Muldoon: Every Software Project is a Startup That Will Probably Fail
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originally published on September 6, 2023 - retrieved September 9, 2023A short retrospective on the reality of software projects: the value you get out of most of them is the lessons you learn when they crumble. I feel like this lesson could be told in a way less intrinsic to our dumb economic system, but I don't have enough brain capacity to write that up right now.
- Lionel Dricot: Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed
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originally published on July 6, 2023 - retrieved July 6, 2023Social networks will never become universal or ubiquitous in the way companies and VC's want them to. Every social network will appeal to certain people more than others, so the best social network is the one that works best for you and your contacts. If one doesn't exist... make one! (or have someone else make it for you).
- Matthew Guay: Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good.
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originally published on February 15, 2022 - retrieved June 3, 2023Notes apps always market themselves as tools to remember important things before they leave your mind. But maybe we should think of it the other way instead: notes afford us the ability to let thoughts leave our mind since we have already saved the information elsewhere.
- Dash for macOS - an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager
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retrieved June 3, 2023Really cool offline documentation viewer for macOS... that's also $30 for some reason. DESPITE THERE BEING AN OFFICAL OPEN SOURCE PORT TO WINDOWS AND LINUX. I AM GOING TO COMBUST
- World's first portable quantum computers on sale in Japan: Prices start at $8,700
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originally published on December 21, 2022 - retrieved May 20, 2023they put an android tablet on a fucking quantum computer, i'm shitting and cumming rn
- Verhaert: User Inyerface
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retrieved May 20, 2023Want to hate technology and how all of its innovations can be used for great evil? Try to work your way through this.
- Chris Arnade: Why the US can't have nice things - A rant on bus stops
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originally published on May 20, 2023 - retrieved May 20, 2023A blog post on why US public works suck so much: the government doesn't trust its citizens to utilize public works properly nor make their own organic solutions for public issues. Really good read!
- Jim Nielsen: Deadlines as Technology
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originally published on March 9, 2023 - retrieved May 20, 2023My ADHD means I always procrastinate things until the last minute. Well, if there is no 'last minute' -- i.e. there is no deadline -- shit won't get done. If you try to pace yourself to hit certain self-set deadlines, you may find that work becomes easier.
- Tiago Forte: The Secret Power of 'Read-It-Later' Apps
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originally published on December 6, 2022 - retrieved May 19, 2023An article on the benefits of using 'read-it-later' apps. There are so many things wrong with this article that I'm definitely going to make a blog post responding to it at some point. Despite that, it is part of the inspiration for this feed... so thanks, I guess?